Thursday, September 2, 2010


     I started school up about a month ago, hence the lack of recent blog posts. I really did mean to post something shortly after the beginning of the school year, but... Obviously, that didn't happen. So here I am, with a new blog post, 2 days into September and already a month into my final year of high school.
     In sharp contrast to last year at MAP, this year I am thoroughly enjoying my school work, classes, teachers, etc. These are my classes, for those who are interested: Honors British Literature, Language Arts, Honors European History, Rhetoric, Geometry, Portfolio, Spanish II, and Anatomy & Physiology. British Lit., L.A., and A&P are probably my favorite so far, but other than Portfolio, which is a whole lot of work for a very short class that I won't get much credit for, I'm really loving all my classes right now. I'm reading Beowulf for British Lit., I have a coloring book for Anatomy & Physiology, I'm writing a play for Language Arts, reading C. S. Lewis for Rhetoric... It's pretty much awesome. :-]

     Also, I have a little something to make up for the blog post dry spell! Last week's L.A. assignment was to keep a journal for five days on paper bags, using whatever was inside each bag for inspiration. I did. And fueled by my desire to turn absolutely everything possible into an art project, I present to you my Paper Bag Journals. :-D

Day 1 - Inspiration: A birthday candle and a yellow foam animal capsule.

     I got one of those little plastic capsules today; the kind you dissolve in water and then the little foam animal swells up from the water. I've never tried it before, and I must say, I was somewhat disappointed in the results. I think it's supposed to be a sheep, but I'm really not sure. Perhaps a cow?
     On a different note, I've gotten over my eye infection and can once again see properly. Yay! Also, I've been helping Jessi out with her Chemistry homework, which isn't actually as bad as I thought it would be, considering how much I hated it last year.
     I really want a typewriter. I've found a few on eBay that I particularly like, but as I know next to nothing about antique typewriters, I'm not sure about making a purchase. Hopefully, I'll be able to get enough information to buy a working, 1960s or older typewriter, and relatively soon.

More words.
S  p  r  e  a  d  i  n  g
from one to the next.
Fly------------------------------------------------------>like birds.
whispered, SHOUTED,
OuT oF 
From loose matches to blazing
forest. Passive aggression.
                    Where's the water?

Day 2 - Inspiration: A roll of Smarties.

I need to exercise self-control.
I have set a goal for myself: Lose four inches off my stomach.
I must exercise self-control.
I will not lose said four inches if I continue to indulge in junk food, candy, and sugar-filled beverages.
I must exercise self-control.

          Mom really likes Smarties.
          I'll give these to her.

          . . . . .

          She thanked me and gave me a bag of Doritos.

I must exercise...must...exercise...self...must...must...Doritos...

                    I give up.
                    Pass the chips.

"Candy Girl"

In Candyland, she's cute and sweet,
A cotton-candy-covered treat,
With all the chocolate she can eat,
                    And none of it goes to her middle.
She lounges on a gumdrop bed,
Her pillows striped with white and red,
Never worries her pretty head,
                    For there she's as fit as a fiddle.
But Candyland does not exist,
And here there's no Lord Licorice,
The calories will still persist,
                    When eating hot cakes off the griddle.

Day 3 - Inspiration: A plastic coin.

"Blood Money"

The price of a field,
The price of a slave,
The price of my freedom
Was all that they gave.
It bought them a kiss,
It bought them a lamb,
It was covered in blood
To buy them a Man.
The price of my Lord,
The price of my soul,
A bag full of silver,
And paid for in whole.

Day 4 - Inspiration: A blue foam animal capsule.

Once again, I am thoroughly confused. I got another animal capsule, and the resulting creature is just as ambiguous, if not more so, than my "sheep". Is it an aardvark? A hippo? A warthog? It's very confusing.
As I believe it may be an aardvark, it reminded me of watching the cartoon "Arthur" when I was little. I still enjoy children's shows now. Case in point: "Veggie Tales". I firmly believe that one is never too old to watch Veggie Tales. (Or to sing along with "Silly Songs with Larry, the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a Silly Song.)

(Carpe Diem was the theme for our assignment. Grab the inspiration and write, or else you'll forget it. I quite like how this came out. What do you think? :-])

Day 5 - Inspiration: A piece of stationery shaped like a heart.

"Paper Heart"

Oh my paper heart,
I don't know what to say,
I gave you to the man I love,
But he threw you all away.

Old wounds heal with time. If you cut your skin deep enough, you'll get a scar, but it still heals up and, generally, the permanent damage is only a thin, white line.
It is interesting to note that different areas of the body, which are made up of different tissues, also heal differently. Cells fall into 3 categories when it comes to regeneration: labile, stable, and permanent cells. Skin is made of labile, which is constantly regenerating and heals quickly. Bones are made up with stable cells-- when they break, it takes a long time to heal them, but in the end, they're good as new.

But the heart... The heart is made of permanent cells. Once damaged, it can be repaired, but it will never work as well as it once did. Part of it is forever gone.

I hope you enjoyed them! :-] I had so much fun with these. It was pretty fantastic, and I really love the finished products. ^_^

Love and hugs to all!

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