Sunday, August 1, 2010

Refrigerator Poetry

So, today's post is just some fun poetry stuff. Nothing deep, no big updates on my life or anything like that, though I'm sure another post will soon be forthcoming for all you stalkers out there who like to keep up with what I eat for breakfast. ;-P

Awhile back, a friend of mine gave me a set of refrigerator word magnets, all made up of words from Shakespeare. I decided to create a challenge for myself: Write poetry using only the words provided. The result is some interesting, albeit somewhat oddly worded, free verse poetry currently displayed on my fridge. All poetry is by me except the second line in "Shakespeare I", which appeared on the fridge while I was away, and I'm not sure which family member is responsible for it, but I liked it, so I left it there.

Unfortunately, there's no punctuation included in the set, other than one lone exclamation point that I found, so I'll post each poem's picture individually, followed by the written version with punctuation.