Thursday, December 23, 2010

Some Poetry For You?

Well, I suppose I should give some kind of update here... But seeing as I'm sick, and I've been sick, and that's not very much fun to write about/read... I think I'll just skip that part. Though I'm excited about the book I got for Tristan's Christmas present. ^_^ Yay me, actually purchasing a gift before the date of the celebration! I did go to Pleasant Valley again last week, and I will be writing about that soon. However, as I have a throbbing headache right now, I think I'll just post a bit of poetry and spare my eyes the pain of looking at the computer screen. Okay? Sorry, I know everyone who follows my blog is just dying to know what's been going on in my life. :P But instead, here is a picture of me being sick:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Bit of Prose

Well, it's been quite a while since my last post, so I thought I'd write something up since I have some free time today. Not too much, but, you know, just a little update and such. :-] 

I've just been reading about Søren Kierkegaard in my history book, and he's actually quite fascinating. He pioneered the concept that faith is beyond reason, and he also wrote/said a few fairly magnificent quotes. I compiled my favorites, as taken from Wikiquotes. ^_^