Thursday, March 12, 2009

Good Morning Sun

Here's a milestone for ya: 1st post. Here's another one: 1st blog. And here's a fast fact: half the things I start, I never finish. Putting these three things together could possibly give you an indication of how long this blog is going to last. Feel free to place bets. I myself am wondering if it'll survive through next week. However, that is pessimistic, and I will therefore deviate from the current train of thought.
I've noticed that when I begin writing things (e.g. Books, journals, etc...) I start off very formally, and then, if I make it very far, I start loosening up. I'm not entirely sure why I do that, so I decided to start this blogging adventure with a bunch of facts about myself. Sounds good?

-My name is Sarah, which means princess in Hebrew. My nickname is Skittle, which, as far as I know, means nothing in Hebrew. Feel free to prove me wrong, though.

-I love reading. To an obsessive point that means if I get my hands on a good book, you don't see me for 1-3 days. Although it's rarely taken longer than 3 days for me to get through a book.

-I can make and decorate cakes, knit, draw anime, write reasonably well, take some awesome photography, and design computer graphics. Not all at the same time, though.

-I realize that I am using the negative sign to designate each new line in this list. Feeling optimistic, I'm going to switch to the positive sign.

+I am now being positive.

+Cheetos Puffs are my favorite junk food ever. Period. A sure way to make me happy is to give me Cheetos Puffs. There are more than one ways to make me happy, and more than one thing to give me, I'm just saying this is one of them.

+I go through phases with my music. I don't pick one favorite artist or song, but I go through stages. My current favorite artist is Jason Mraz. He's gorgeous. Other recent favorites were Daniel Powter and Maroon Five.

+I play piano, but not very well. I would love to learn violin, cello, harp and/or bagpipes.

+My favorite online store is If you stalk my Facebook status, you'll know that I complain about it's high prices alot. But it's still amazing and I love all the clothes. I have an over-100-item wishlist. Give me your email address and I'll send it to you. :-]

+ I have some seriously amazing friends. :-] And I love all of them.

So, I can't really think of much right now. Maybe more later? Most important, though, you should know that I'm a Christian and I try to live my life accordingly. Also, updates will prolly be more likely if there are comments on this. *nudge, nudge, wink, wink*

Over and Out,


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