Sunday, March 15, 2009

Easy Does It

I had a really weird dream last 2 nights ago, or Thursday night/Friday morning. There was a lot of stuff involved, including a cult, Nerd jelly beans, driving the Volkswagen and a yellow Nissan Xterra, matchmaking, and some other weird stuff. But the bit that made sense had to do with me talking to Sharon, a lady at Promised Land Messianic Fellowship, and having her pray for me about something that’s going on right now that will affect me for the rest of my life. Not sure what the rest of it all means, but I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to talk to Sharon tonight. That bit was really clear. And it made sense. You know how a lot of dreams make sense while you’re dreaming, but then you wake up and it was completely weird? That’s how most of the dream was except this part. One tiny part made perfect sense, and I think I need to talk to Sharon. Unfortunately, she wasn’t at PL last Friday, so no go on that. :-/
I made Easy Pie Filling Dessert, Decadent Chocolate Caramel Brownies, and Chess Cake for PL. The Trained Monkey was overly excited about this, and kept trying to eat the melted caramel behind my back. *shakes finger* The brownies do look simply irresistible, though. It’s made with German chocolate cake mix, caramels, semi-sweet chocolate chips, butter and milk. I might put the recipe up, if Mom says it’s okay. They are quite amazing. I’ll have some pictures for show. :-]

I also made a batch of 24 cupcakes for Christina’s Seven Deadly Sins photo shoot on Saturday. It was pretty awesome. I played Anger, which gave me the excuse to get all dolled up in black and pretend to murder Savannah. Goody for me? Also gave me the chance to think about anger and the consequences that it has in our lives. I decided that I’m going to tackle anger this week. The goal is to not get angry at anything, at all, for the whole week. I have no clue how well that will work, but I’m going to give it a try. Wish me luck! (Actually, praying for me is probably a better idea than wishing me luck.)
Song of the day is 'If it Kills Me' by Jason Mraz. (2nd link on that page works best.) It’s an amazing song, and one of my personal favorites by JM. Basically, the song is about being in love with someone and not being able to tell them. That’s what I get out of it, anyway. It’s adorable, really catchy, and really sweet. One of those songs that I would hug if it was something tangible and real. Although, I find it hard to believe you can love someone that much and not just come out and say it. But I suppose we’re all cowardly when it comes to that. :-] It’s still an amazingly awesome song, and I highly recommend you listen to it.
Ashley came over yesterday, with her sister Jessica and her mom, little sister Savannah (Though not the same one from the photo shoot.), JoJo (Jessica’s son.), and a few other people from PL to see the baby lambs. Yay for lambing season! Well, the extra work and such isn’t fun, but the cuteness and adorableness of the baby lambs more than makes up for it. :-] Ash stayed after everyone else left, so TTM, Ash and I watched some Veronica Mars. No chance for the follow up Bible study afterwards, though. Sad day. But she did eat pizza and watch Over the Hedge with us.
Unfortunately, the day ended on a bad note. Fab Porcupine had called Ash to remind her to get his umbrella, and then when I was talking to him on the phone asked me about it as well. But by the time we had finished pizza and the movie it was really late, and Ash had to go home, and we forgot to check the car for said missing umbrella. So FP got all ticked off and mad at me for ‘forgetting’ him. A short spat on AIM followed by him calling me a brat and abruptly terminating the chat session sent me to bed rather unhappy. I’ve half a mind to fill the umbrella with the little paper bits that come out of hole punchers, but that probably won’t make anything any better, so I won’t. Anyway, it got resolved this afternoon. So yay for that! *hugs all around*
Sick this morning, though, plus 7 new baby lambs, so no church. Another sadness. I’m not sure if I’ll be feeling up to church tonight yet, but I really want this cough to leave either way.
Not much else to say. More later? Please pray for me about my school work; I’m really struggling to get it all done. Dad is sick, and so and I, so please pray that we get better! Oh, and praises that the Fab Porcupine has a place to record demos for Nintendo! *is excited and happy*
Yours Truly,

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