Monday, July 19, 2010

I Don't Quite Know How to Say How I Feel... But My World's on Fire, That's the Way I Like it and I'll Never Get Bored!

So yes, that is an obscenely long title. But that's okay, because this is going to be an obscenely awesome post. Most deserving of such a long title. XD

This post is pretty much going to talk about the week of July 11-16, which was one of the most amazing experiences of my entire life. It was awesome. My dad, my mom, and I spent the week at Pleasant Valley, which is a church organization/ministry that runs Be in Health. According to their website, BiH is "an International ministry teaching the biblical principles that bring healing of relationships and health. [They] offer teaching to unravel the mysteries of disease and reveal pathways to health and wholeness based on scriptural insight and understanding. Dedicated to helping people, [they] offer insights to why mankind has disease, spiritual roots of disease and blocks to healing." But they're not just a physical healing ministry. The emotional healing that has taken place in my family has been absolutely incredible, and that's what I want to write about. :-]

A few of the wonderful people I met at Pleasant Valley. <3

The biggest thing that happened last week was the healing between my father and myself. My dad has always had a temper, always yelled about every little thing, and has had a very critical spirit towards me and the rest of my family. He couldn't be wrong, and I could never do anything right. He said he loved me, and apologized every time he lost his temper, but I didn't believe him and I never forgave him. I built up bitterness and unforgiveness towards him, and adopted an unloving spirit that told me I was never good enough for anyone. I felt rejection, self-hatred, and rebellion. Last week, I got rid of all of it. Dad didn't yell once all week, and hasn't yelled since we've gotten back. He's completely different. It's amazing. I finally told my dad "I love you" and really meant it for the first time in my life. 
I also dealt with bitterness and unforgiveness towards several other people in my life; Chrissy, T, Elijah, my sister... There's one person yet I still need to forgive, and I'm working on that.
I realized that I am a masterpiece. God created me exactly the way He wanted me and HE LOVES ME. I've always said Genesis 1:16 is my favorite Bible verse: "God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night; He made the stars also." He made the stars also. The stars were an AFTERTHOUGHT! He made the stars also! How could anyone hate themselves when they are a beautifully crafted piece of art made by the Most High God?! Oh, and by the way, I am a daughter of the Most High God! Devils flee when I enter the room! :-D

Pictured: A Masterpiece (Not pictured: Self-hatred, rejection, bitterness, unloving/unclean spirits, etc.)

The whole week was pretty much amazing. Incredible. Awesome. God is SO GOOD! <3 <3 <3 (True story, tell your friends! ;-D) I am content in God. He is all I need. He is perfect, loving, wonderful... He knew me from the foundations of the earth, and He pursues me romantically. What need do I have for a human male when I have the Creator of the Universe who calls me a lily among the thorns? **sigh** My heart melts for my amazing Husband, Savior, Friend, and Abba. <3 <3 <3

A bit of the nitty gritty that happened during the week: Dad came under spiritual attack the first night we were there. He and Mom prayed and cast the spirit out, so it was all good, but still a clear signal that the Enemy didn't want us at PV. Well, too bad. We stayed. :-D There was a bit of awkwardness in meeting some people, but it was eventually (mostly) smoothed out... I got baptized in the Holy Spirit by one of the most beautiful ladies I've ever met, who was also incredibly, incredibly sweet. I got re-baptized with my mom and dad Um... Let's see... Oh, it's just too much to put in a blog post! If you want to know more about what happened, feel free to call/Skype me!

A shout-out to my awesome friends I met at PV! JOANNA "YOHANNA BANANA"!!!! Rami, Gabi, Michael, Inga, Jacob, Marian, Jessica, and my dad! :-D

Love and hugs to all!

On the Way to Paradise
Sarah Kittell - 07/11/10

I need a break,
A long escape,
To get back to the facts,
Rock foundation,
Here I am,
Come meet me, God.
Take my hand,
I'm here for you
With child-like faith,
I need Your grace,
Anything You have for me,
Show me, Lord, I want to see,
I want to see Your face,
You are all I need,
You're all I breathe,
You're all I see,
My God is so incredible,
I thirst for You,
And hunger, too,
I love You more than I can say,
My life is all the price I pay,
And You are all my prize.

[Well, I wrote this in the van on the way down, and I must say, God really met me in this prayer. Pretty incredible. <3]

A Bit of Hope
Sarah Kittell - 07/16/10

I am not you,
You are not me,
I get to stay
And you get to leave.
I'm not black,
And I'm not white,
I'm grey on the way
To marvelous light.

[Hopefully I'll be expanding on that one soon, but for now, that's all I have. Enjoy!]

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