Monday, January 17, 2011

Almost 18

I have nothing more to say about that. I'm almost 18. Yep. It's happening. Wednesday. January 19. Expecting some sort of speech or long-winded and detailed discussion of my life and expectations? Sorry to disappoint. Instead, here is the most epic typography piece I've done yet. I think I'm gonna do a series of weapons. The first is a sword. Enjoy! XD
(I know the preview images are small and hard-to-read. If you click on it, though, it'll get bigger. ^_^ The first one is my official piece, entitled Accusation. The second one is exactly the same as the first, but sans the grunge effects.)


Accusation sans Grunge

If you're having trouble picking out the words, here's what it says: 
Blade - You're never good enough|Why do you bother trying|Pathetic|Why are you so rebellious|Such a failure|Just give it up|You never get it right|Lazy
Handle Guard - You are so worthless
Handle Grip - Lies

I'm pretty sure the symbolism here is easy enough to grasp, so... If you need further explanation, I would be happy to enlighten you if you ask. :P

Love and hugs!

P.S. NO STEALING PLZ. I worked hard on this! Many hours of work were put into it. So, please. Don't steal. ^_^

Monday, January 3, 2011

Typography Win!

I've wanted to do typography for ages, but I never felt like I had the time. Well, the other day I decided to just go ahead and try my best, even though I have no clue what I'm doing. I've made three pieces so far, and for a beginner/amateur/novice/etc., I think they turned out pretty darn good. ^_^ They're all lyrics so far, but I'll probably do some nice epic quotes and stuff, too. :D There's a typography guy on Tumblr called TypeJerk, and I'm gonna ask him to critique them. I know they aren't the best ever, since I just started, but I figure I'll get some good tips and stuff. Gah! Typography is so much fun! Even though it does take several hours to do one piece. Whatever. Here's what I have so far!
(Oh, yeah, and I have a Tumblr now. O_o You can follow me here:

These are in reverse-chronological order, since I like the last one I did best, and the first one I did, least. Of course. :P

Who Killed Tangerine?

So, I realize this one's a bit morbid, lol. The song is "Who Killed Tangerine" by Tears For Fears. This piece is my favorite so far because it's supposed to look like a knife stabbing a tangerine, which is bleeding. And it actually does look like that. Ergo, I am pleased. :D
"Who killed Tangerine? The prettiest girl I've ever seen."

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Some Poetry For You?

Well, I suppose I should give some kind of update here... But seeing as I'm sick, and I've been sick, and that's not very much fun to write about/read... I think I'll just skip that part. Though I'm excited about the book I got for Tristan's Christmas present. ^_^ Yay me, actually purchasing a gift before the date of the celebration! I did go to Pleasant Valley again last week, and I will be writing about that soon. However, as I have a throbbing headache right now, I think I'll just post a bit of poetry and spare my eyes the pain of looking at the computer screen. Okay? Sorry, I know everyone who follows my blog is just dying to know what's been going on in my life. :P But instead, here is a picture of me being sick:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Bit of Prose

Well, it's been quite a while since my last post, so I thought I'd write something up since I have some free time today. Not too much, but, you know, just a little update and such. :-] 

I've just been reading about Søren Kierkegaard in my history book, and he's actually quite fascinating. He pioneered the concept that faith is beyond reason, and he also wrote/said a few fairly magnificent quotes. I compiled my favorites, as taken from Wikiquotes. ^_^

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What is Love? Baby, Don't Hurt Me!

     As obviously silly as the title to this post is, I felt it was fitting considering the topic I wanted to ramble on about. But first! A bit of an update: Life is good, but confusing. I'm still learning to let God be God and not try to take things into my own hands all the time. I'm learning to listen and take advice from others. I'm learning to have faith and not fear. On a lighter note, I recently finished the most difficult cake I've ever decorated (pictures will be up in a later post) and I've been doing quite a bit of school work and some random writing. :-] Now, on to what I really wanted to talk about!

     [Disclaimer: I'm not aiming this at anyone. Promise. I started thinking about this particular subject because of another person, but what I've written below is basically just my musings and it's not intended to be anything more than something interesting to read and discuss. However, if you feel like God is speaking to you through what I say, I just want to make it clear that it's not me and I'm not doing it on purpose. :-P Also, these are MY OPINIONS. Some of the stuff I say is fact, but the conclusions I draw from it are my own, and I don't mean to offend anyone!]

     Something that has been at the forefront of my mind recently has been emotions. Specifically, love, but emotions in general. People are emotional beings. And sometimes those emotions hurt. So some of us try to deal with the pain and move on, and others try to remove the cause. "Love hurts," they rationalize, "so why should I love?" I guess on the surface it makes sense, but as I was contemplating the idea, it started to seem less and less logical. Of course, I'm all for suppressing--actually, I think controlling would be a better word there--I'm all for controlling certain emotions: anger, for example, excessive self-pity, pride, etc. There are certainly emotions that I could do without completely, like greed and lust. But almost all of these, in moderation and in the right application, are useful emotions. Pride in a job well-done, as long as you don't let it go to your head, and desire to provide the best that you can for your family, if you say greed and desire are similar, and righteous anger, which is, obviously, righteous, and that amazing, beautiful 'lust' that a man has for his wife, which isn't really lust, but it sort of is, only it's really more like a different kind of lust, which just goes to show that it's the excess and misuse of these emotions that really gets you in trouble. [That is probably the longest sentence I've ever written, and for some reason it reminds me of C. S. Lewis...] Back to my original point: Love hurts, so why should I love? There are several responses that I've come up with, so that's what I'm going to write about.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Total Eclipse of the Heart

I wrote a poem. Shocker. Actually, what is shocking is that 1) it doesn't reflect my emotions properly and 2) the subject is completely different than anything I've written about before. It's a tad confusing, mostly for me, but probably for you, too. That's okay, though. :-] Here it is:

“Your Voice Would Make a Good Narration for My Thoughts”
Sarah Kittell – 10/08/10

The Doctor had called me from inside his TARDIS,
So he and a dalek could come ‘round for tea,
But I was distracted by deep Irish accents,
And all that I got was his voicemail at three.

A penny for your thoughts and I’ll put my two cents in,
I’m wasting my money, ‘cause I don’t have a wish.

Keyboards are pounding out songs in my cranium,
BJ and Ben and some guy I don’t know,
A personal concert to narrate my soundtrack,
And front-row-seat tickets to all of their shows.
I feel sort of odd, ‘cause I don’t even know you,
I’m writing a poem for only two calls.
If you don’t understand: 42 and a towel—
I’m leaving before I can like you at all.

A penny for your thoughts and I’ll put my two cents in,
I’m wasting my money, ‘cause I don’t have a wish.


Yes, I did include multiple sci-fi references in it. Yes, it is awesome because of that. XD 

On another note, I've been finding it difficult to give God complete control of my life. I guess it's good that I recognize that, so I can work on it... But it's a little frustrating. Several of my friends have revealed problems or heartaches in their lives, and I keep wanting to just be able to go in and fix all of their problems. Never mind that I have a million and one problems of my own to fix. **sigh** But I'll get there eventually. I just need to keep giving it back to YHWH, every day, every day, every day. :-] He's really all I need. <3 Now to convince my heart that men aren't what I need and I'll be good. Kinda hard when I finally meet someone who seems right. **sigh** Again. More sighs. lol ARGH! MEN! Geez! Ugh. Ok. I'm gonna stop now.

The game.

Love and hugs,


Monday, September 27, 2010

An Old English Poem

Seems like all I have time for these days is posting interesting school assignments... This one is an original poem translated, to the best of my abilities, into Old English. Of course, Old English is so different from Modern English that I have no idea what the translation of my poem really says. I have no clue if the grammar is correct, if I conjugated the verbs in the right way, or anything like that. The only online places I could find for translating Modern English into Old English would only translate one word at a time, so I couldn't input a block of text, e.g. my poem, and have it translate that. I could only put in one word and translate that, and then figure out if I needed strong or weak, masculine or feminine, singular or plural, etc. etc. etc. So it was a bit more difficult than I imagined. But here it is! Enjoy! :-]

(Addendum: I inserted a 'bridge' of sorts for the benefit of a friend, who wants to try and turn it into a song. It has not been translated.)
(Another Addendum: Here is the finished song, as sung and played by Devin Dennis. ^^, )

Sarah Kittell – 09/22/10

Sunny day and shades of gray,
Searching for the words to say,
Inside my head, the things I said
Are chasing all my thoughts away.

I waited for the slamming door
To shake me to my very core,
For shouted knives and broken lives
To leave me crying on the floor.

But you walked in, ignored my sin,
Brushed my tears off with a grin,
Closed your eyes and kissed the lies
Still warm from kissing foreign skin.

The heart has its reasons that reason can’t see,
You had every right to get up and leave,
And yet here you are and here you will stay,
The angel I love and the man I betrayed.

Sarah Kittell – 09/22/10

Sigelbeorht dæg ond heolstorsceadwas sylfum deorcegræg,
Árásaende for þá cwideas æt ácwiðean,
Innoþ min héafod, þá þing ic geácweden
Béon ádrífende á min bréosthord áflíegung.

Ic geábiden for þæt bedende dor
Æt ábifan mec æt min midde,
For gecealled cnífas ond geábrocen æ
Æt anforlæteeþ mec blægettende on séo flór.

Ac ðu gegangen beinnan, geforgiefen min bealudæd,
Aswápan þá hléordropan on min andwlita,
Gebehliden úre angnereas ond gecossed þá léasspell
Þágíet wirman fram cossende wéales scinnen.