Friday, May 28, 2010

Secret Poetry

For T.
Some poetry that will probably not find its way to Facebook. :-] Not all of these emotions are current, but I liked the poetry and wanted to put it up somewhere. Enjoy. ^_^

“A Promise I May Never Need”
Sarah Kittell

Next time, I’ll do the leaving—the ending.
Except there won’t be a next time.
And if there was, I wouldn’t leave you in a million years.
Next time.


“Internal Dialogue”
Sarah Kittell
05/23/10; 05/24/10

So now we try to just be friends,
Rewind the emotional tape,
But it keeps getting stuck in your arms—
Just like me.

Do you think about me as much as I think about you?

Peanut butter, watermelon,
I don’t know the words,
Break a heart, skip a beat,
I just know it hurts.

Jack Johnson is stuck in my head.
Or is it John Jackson?
“I need this old train to break down,
Oh please just let me please break down.”

I cried all day on my eighteenth birthday—
Wait, that was only a dream…

“Hey, he’s cute! And he’s a nice guy, too.”
Yeah… I’m not really interested, sorry…

I thought I was stronger than that,
Thought one conversation, explanation
was more than enough.
But I guess I should get used to being wrong.
You sat down beside me
and I was gone.
I think I could get high off Axe.

On the one hand,
I don’t wish to make this harder on you.
But on the other,
I wish it was.

I feel silly writing this,
(If you change your mind, I’m the first in line,)
Like I’m describing someone else,
(Honey, I’m still free, Take a chance on me.)
Someone who wears black eyeliner and tight pants.

I miss you.


Sarah Kittell – 05/24/10

And suddenly, surprisingly,
I understand and I’m okay.
I loved you more than I can say,
And so I keep you tucked away inside my heart.
We fell apart to pay the cost
Of love before its time,
So love is lost and love is gained in different ways,
Through joy and pain,
Through rainy days,
Through lessons taught to stubborn minds,
And dreams caught falling from the sky.
Maybe, maybe, maybe so,
I’ll never know, it’s not my choice,
Just listening to a still, small voice Who knows
A thing or two about this world.
I’m just a girl whose only hope is faith that’s found in love,
And peace that flies on wings of doves,
With olive branches in their beaks.
I’ll take my chances on these promises,
These dances with the Lover of my soul.
I’m alright,
Though you’ll probably appear at night,
Hiding in my dreams and out of sight
Until I close my eyes and see you in my arms.
But dreams are what we make of them,
And knowing this, I’ll dream again.
There’s nothing wrong with memories,
So sing the song you wrote for me,
And when I see that you are gone,
My light still on and far too late,
I’ll know again what I know now, at quiet dusk:
Remember, Love, to trust.

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