Friday, May 28, 2010

The Things I've Done Are Way Too Shameful

(Title pulled from a Maroon 5 song: "Tangled")

So, big news for the day? I went job hunting! I'm looking for a part-time job over the summer, and hopefully for longer. Unfortunately, living where I do, there are very few options available within a reasonable driving distance. However, I submitted an application at one place and the guy actually asked if I could start working tonight! Unfortunately, tonight is Shabbat, and I don't work on Shabbat... And I won't compromise my standards just for a job. But maybe he'll ask me to work soon? I hope so!

On another note, I've been going through a lot of emotional stress recently. I'll probably be putting some poems on here that I'm not adding to Facebook, just because there are some people who probably don't need to read them. I've discovered that I'm really easily jealous, which is something I didn't think I had a problem with, but apparently I do. Three of my friends who were in relationships broke up, and then got back together, which gives me a false hope. Plus, my sister is now in a really serious relationship and is getting everything I wanted. It's driving me nuts. Also, I had no idea I was this emotionally attached/affected by/to T. Or so upset by the fact that he wasn't/isn't.

I'm working on trying to get into the habit of reading my Bible daily and having a quiet time to talk with YHWH, but it hasn't been going so well. Gotta keep it up, though! I refuse to quit! ^_^

Please be praying for me in my search for work, my emotional struggles, and my attempts to create new habits for myself! Love and hugs to all!



  1. Sarah, have you seen ?
    Check out my word study on Revelations 13:18. It might give you some perspective as to why God has placed you in whatever circumstances you find yourself.
    Yshua's love,
    Super Jacob

  2. I went there, and while it is highly fascinating, and I now know way more about DGR, I failed to discover your word study on Revelations 13:18. Which, while the DGR is generally very interesting (That's not sarcasm, promise! My dad talks about this stuff all the time!), your word study is what I'm interested in, so... Care to link to that?
    BTW, congrats on being my first comment! ^_^

  3. it is in the videos section.

    You can follow the notes as well in the notes section.

    On the very first page it says:
    This is the most important video for you to watch.
    The Mark of the Beast: The 666 Prophecy Revealed at Last

    The second part is a link, click it and it will take you to the first video.
