Monday, May 31, 2010

Yay! A Cake! **loves**

My 17th Birthday Cake

Compare with last years, which I actually liked better:
Interestingly, I'm posting these in May, which is 5 months after my birthday, which is in January. So, um, yeah... But I figured, you know, since the blog is supposed to showcase my cake making skills as well as my poetry, I'd throw some cakes in for ya. ^_^

Today was slightly better than yesterday. It wasn't a T day, thankfully. Though I do have some T-related poetry to show. Hope everyone had a great day! I'm really getting into this blog thing... Yay!!!! **happy dance** ^_^ In the meantime, here's the first poem written in my lovely new (old, but recently rediscovered and completely empty up 'till now) poetry notebook! :-] More free verse. For some reason, I find it easier to write about T in free verse than in structured rhyme... Hm... Oh, and I thought I should mention, I tend to dramatize my emotions in these poems. While they may be recently written, they aren't necessarily the most accurate representation of how I feel. Just a bit of a disclaimer. ~_^

"Old Habits Die Hard"
Sarah Kittell - 05/29/10

Some old habits are hard to kill,
Like the urge to hug you,
Hold you close in my arms and
breathe in the scent of Old Spice and Axe.
The habit of calling you gorgeous,
Calling you every evening to talk
about everything and nothing.
It's hard not to text you at three in the morning,
When I can't sleep and I lie awake,
It's hard.
The habit of leaning on your shoulder
when you sit down next to me,
Of saying I'm ugly just to hear you disagree,
But the hardest thing of all,
The habit that refuses to die,
Is the constant state of loving you.

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